Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Junk Mail.......Oh the conversations it can lead to

Lately, I have been getting random junk mail about babies. No..... I'm not pregnant, and No....... I did not sign up for these magazines, samples, and helpful baby tips. If signing me up for this stuff is my mom's way of trying to get a grandchild quicker, then Mom.........This is only going to make it longer. I feel bad for the mailman, he is probably wondering why he has not seen a child running around by now since he has delivered all this stuff.

Anyways, the other day I had received a rather large box. I was excited at first thinking I received a special package in the mail, only to find out it was formula from Similac. Definitely not needed in this household! Darin came home and asked what was in the box. This was our conversation:

Darin: I saw the big box you got in the mail, what was it?
Ashley: Formula from Similac, I have no idea why we keep getting this stuff.
Darin: Oh, I thought it was one of those "boob milker" things.
Ashley: Ummm, a what?
Darin: A "boob milker"
Ashley: I still don't understand.
Darin: You know, a "boob milker" like pregnant women use.

At this point I can hardly contain myself with laughter because he is being so serious.

Ashley: You mean a breast pump?
Darin: Yeah whatever they are called. You knew what I was talking about.
Ashley: Well the other problem is that pregnant women do not have to pump.
Darin: Oh they don't?

Ill end it there, lets just say we have a long way to go before thinking about having kids!

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