Sunday, November 10, 2013


In America, we carry babies, put them in strollers, or carry them in some sort of baby carrying backpack. (Haha can you tell I don't have kids, I have no idea what the names of all the fancy carriers are!!!) Well.......... In Africa, all you need is a piece of material - and just like that, you have two free hands and a baby on your back! Everyday we see mothers, teens, and even the younger children (5 or 6 yrs old) carrying the babies on their backs. I also saw this very frequently in Kenya last year, but never asked to watch a mother actually transfer the child onto their back and wrap the blanket with no help.  Well, I had a few of the girls teach me, and I think I have it mastered..........haha maybe!!!

Still practicing!!!!!!

They love teaching us, and I love learning from them. I also give them a lot of laughs in the process!!! 

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