What is Mission Ethiopia?
Mission: Provide dignity by empowering at-risk individuals in Ethiopia with a sustainable job that allows them to glorify God by working and provide for themselves and their families with the fruit of that labor.
Impact the cause of the orphan by serving to keep families intact, care for the children who are currently orphaned, and connect others with the very real need in Ethiopia.
Achieving the Mission: Mission Ethiopia has created an empowerment program working with local churches to help reach women in their communities. Today, 82 women (single mothers, widows, and women with HIV) come to 4 local churches in Ethiopia daily for a job in handicraft.
A Bridge to the Mission: Mission Ethiopia and Ethiopia Guest Home (where we are staying) are a bridge. To connect churches, mission groups, non-profits, and individuals by encouraging them to come and participate in what God is already doing in Ethiopia.
- "Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now." ~Saint Teresa of Avila
Today we visited 4 women who are part of Mission Ethiopia. Before we visited them, we stopped at a market and bought a huge sack full of groceries for each of the homes. We were able to barter once again and see first hand the market place. We had extra donation money between all of our team members, and we felt that this was very very important to do for these ladies who own very little. We were able to provide a sack full of: potatoes, onions, lentil beans, tea, shiro, Berbere spice for cooking, cooking oil, macaroni noodles, omo powder for washing clothes, soap, rice, and sugar.
We walked up and down small paths, through mud, between alleys, and under hanging clothes with eyes wide open. Words can not express the emotions felt today. I can only begin to describe what I saw by pictures. We were welcomed into each of these four homes with warm hearts. The first home - large enough for the lady to lie in (which was smaller than a twin sized bed), she even had to duck in the doorway and could not stand up straight in her home. Her home was made of mud and situated over an open sewage drainage hole. That was the start..........
We talked with these women, we listened to these women, and we prayed for these women, their families, and their struggles with being HIV+. Please add them and Mission Ethiopia to your payers. To learn more about Mission Ethiopia, their website is: www.missionethiopia.com
To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world.
That saying crossed my mind a lot as I walked the streets of Ethiopia today. There are not just 4 women who live in extreme poverty in Ethiopia, there are millions. We saw SO much today that it's difficult to talk about - let alone describe. Today though, I pray that we made an impact on these four ladies, and that they were able to see Christ's love through us.
We were unfortunatley down a team member today. Please pray for Tori's strength and healing so she can be back with us soon!
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