Saturday, November 16, 2013

Kidane Mehret Children's Home

On Saturday morning, we visited an Ethiopian Catholic orphanage called The Kidane Mehret Children's Home. Here is a bit about this orphanage: 


This home was founded around the year 1933 by a French Community. Started by a nun who has since passed, the orphanage is continuing to fully function. The number of children in the home at present is around 150 children. Their ages range from newly born babies up to 16 year old. The youngest that was there today was about 2 months old. The goals of the orphanage are to lift the morale of the children, to give them a better upbringing with family, love, and care, to attend to their health and nourishment, and to better their education and to enhance that in the future they will be worthy citizens. 

Mission Statement

The Mission of Kidane Meheret Children’s home is to love, care, understand and educate children of different ages, tribes and religions. This is based on the words of Our Lord “Let the children come to me for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”.


  • Abandoned children under 8 years of age
  • Street children under 8 years of age
  • Orphans of both parents under 8 years of age
  • Children of parents who are sick with HIV (Aids)


Every day of the week the children get together and pray. They try to make them understand that first of all it is good to spend some time with the Lord and secondly, that in order to provide for their needs, they need help from donors and sponsors and so prayer to God is needed, so that people around the world will continue to help children on the streets. The most important thing is to thank God for everything we have.

When we first arrived, we were taken to the nursery. Our hearts were quickly stolen by all the little babies who we scooped up into our arms. They receive children as young as a few days old, and sometimes receive children straight from the hospital. They also have children with developmental delays and chromosomal abnormalities that families have abandoned. Please pray for all the children our team encountered today. 

We also played outside with the older children. All the children at this orphanage can be adopted. Some are already in the process of adoption - Praise The Lord! 

I learned how to braid hair! 

To learn more about this orphanage, their website is:


  1. Hi Bowling family. I am so excited. We believe there is a picture of our little guy that we are praying to have in our arms soon. I won't mention his name on here, but I would love to hear more about it. :) Oh my, I can't believe it.

  2. Hi, I found your blog searching for info on Kedane Mehret. I visited there last March. My friends and I bonded with a handicapped boy named Dagem. We spoke to the sisters about sponsoring him and then I procrastinated for six months before taking any action. So today I am taking action and I find the sponsorship process unclear. If you know anyone in the US who is sending support I would be grateful.

    What info needs to be on the check? how long does it take to clear? Is there a way to send money electronically?

    I would be grateful for any insight you can provide.


    Dave Silva
